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这份由University of Pennsylvania发布的关于智囊团精英的报告让我们了解到了活跃在国际政治前线的think tanks以及TTCSP项目。它通过收集各种精准的数据分析了think tanks随着时代的变化面临的挑战以及分析了创新的必要性,并给我们展现了他们在国际事务政策上的参与。

其中TTCSP项目的宗旨就是:"Helping to bridge the gap between knowledge and policy". (缩小知识与政策之间的差距)。项目致力于分析出随着时代的变化对智囊团所带来的挑战并试图分析出可行的与时俱进的方法,不断增加壮大智囊团队,丰富更新最完善的智囊团数据库,让他们制定出更多更好的政策来服务于社会。





报告并通过一系列严格的衡量对think tank团队进行了排名,其中这些衡量因素有领导力、学术表现和声誉、对政策的影响度等。同时这些排名并不是一概而论的,而是限制在了不同的领域,比如说国际事务的分析方面、国内经济、会议风险化解等。




think tank: a group of people with experience or knowledge of a particular subject, who work to produce ideas or give advice.

causation: the action of causing something to happen or exist.

philanthropy: the practice of giving money and help to people who are poor or in trouble.

rigorous: careful and exalt.

lifespan: the average length of time that someone will live or that something will continue to work.

obsolete: no longer useful.

dissemination: the spread of information.

pertinent: directly relating to something that is being considered.

dodge: to move quickly and avoid something.

collaboration: work together with others and achieve something together.

reputation: the opinion that people have about someone or something because of what has happened in the past.

affiliate: usually passive, means it forms a close connection with something.

Alleviation: pain. For example: poverty alleviation.

Inception: the start of an organization or institution.

Facilitate: to make it easier for a process or activity to happen.







assembled expert panel

disseminate ,publicize,shed,distribute.


Methodology, methodology is a system of methods and principles for doing something, for example for teaching or for carrying out research. 

typology,classification according to general type.

affiliation,  If one group has an affiliation with another group, it has a close or official connection with it.

consensus,agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole.

spectrum,a range of a particular type of thing.

NGO,non-governmental organization.

philanthrophy,voluntary promotion of human welfare
















Overview of Modifications and Enhancements

Methodology and timeline

2015 think tank statistics

2015 ranking categories

2015 global GO TO Ranking Results

Top think in the World

Top Think Tanks by Region

Top Think Tanks by Area of Research

Top think tanks by Special Achievement



2015 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report


think tank: The independent or affiliated academy for crucial political and social issues for the government.


Outline: BG, introduction, think tank innovation



1.the efforts TTCSP made to promote international collaboration and improve policy making.

2.the goal of TTCSP to improve the performance and public recognition of think tank.



1.the prospect of TTSCP, the role of TTSCP in nomination and management

2. definition and categories of think tank, overview of think tanks worldwide, the reasons of its rise and fall

3.goal of report,put forward some critical threats and opportunities the think tank community globally face.

4. threats, challenges, and related responds for think tank


Think tank innovation:

1. effective dissemination and external relations strategies

2.innovate amid a noisier, more competitive policy research field.

3.collaborate more frequently and effectively






improve policy making while strengthening democratic institutions and civil societies around the world. "helping to bridge the gap between knowledge and policy."


aim: to gain understanding of the role think tanks play in governments and civil societies.

What is a Think Tank?

·pubilc-policy research analysis and engagement organizations that genertate policy-oriented research,analysis, and advice on domestic and international issues,thereby enabling policymakers and the public to make informed decisions about public policy. 


·North America and Europe: 1. great amount. 2. high produnctivity. 3. great contribution. 4. rate of establishiment is declinning.

·Asia, Latin American, Africa, and the Middle East: 1.expasioning 2. target at businesses and wealthy individuals to support it.

·future: facing threats and opportunites globally. [issues] [actors] [competition] [conflict]

·solutions: mission, market, manpower, money.


1. how does the think tanks funded.

2. think tanks V.S government

3. core: innovation "for think tanks, it's innovate or die"




Think tank and Civil societies program

aim: establish regional and international networks of policy institutes.




comprise vi. 包含

disseminate vt. 宣传

rigor n. 严厉,精确

herald  n. 先驱

demise n. 死亡,终止

vying adj. 竞争的



"Helping to bridge the gap between knowledge and policy"

* Goals

- to acknowledge the important contributions and emerging global trends of think tanks worldwide

- to bridge these conceptual problems and create a typology that takes into consideration the comparative differences in political systems and civil societies


* Situations

- 1835/6856 Think Tanks in USA, more than doubled since 1980

- 1770 in Europe

- an expansion in number and type in Asia, Latin America, Africa, The Middle East, North Africa


New Words:

think tank n. a company that does research for hire and issues reports on the implications

alleviation n. the act of reducing something unpleasant

e.g: poverty alleviation

bridge the gap between XX and XX

emerging adj. coming to maturity

affiliate vt. a subordinate or subsidiary associate; a person who is affiliated with another or with an organization






think tank

Think tanks are public-policy research analysis and engagement organizations that generate policy-oriented research, analysis, and advice on domestic and international issues,there by enabling policymakers and the public to make informed decisions about public policy

mobilization n.

act of assembling and putting into readiness for war or other emergency


an event that is a beginning; a first part or stage of subsequent events


a hazy or indistinct representation











Opinions:1. 《全球智库报告2015》是由美国宾夕法尼亚大学TTCSP项目连续第九年为全球打造的最具权威性全球智库研究发展报告。该智库研究报告旨在研究全球各国智库在政府与社会发展中的作用,建立了一套客观公正的智库研究体系,每年对全球智库进行跟踪研究和综合排名,以加强全球智库的能力建设并提高智库的表现。为了提升智库排名的质量和智库指数的代表性,宾夕法尼亚大学智库研究项目每年进行大量智库研究和智库调查。自从2010年以来,上百位专家参与了排名标准的评估和提名及排名的过程。为了尽量避免偏颇、扩大排名的代表性,全面提升排名质量和提名过程的真实性,智库指数在5年来经历多次大的修改和完善。2015年全球智库指数(GGTTI)提名和排名标准包括The quality and commitment of the think tank's leadership;The quality and reputation of the think tank's staff;The quality and reputation of the research and analysis produced;Ability to recruit and retain elite scholars and analysts;Academic performance and reputation等。报告并不将研究成果作为衡量智库影响力的唯一方法。2015年,全球共有智库6846家,其中北美洲智库数量最多,拥有1931家;欧洲其次,拥有1770家;亚洲紧随其后,拥有1262家。美国依然是世界上拥有智库数量最多的国家,有1835家。中国依然是世界第二智库大国,拥有智库数量达到435家。英国和印度智库数量位列中国之后,分别拥有288家和280家。在综合排名榜单中,美国的Brookings Institution排名第一,这也是其第四次名列榜首。在2015全球智库综合排名榜单175强中,共有9家中国智库入选,排名最高的是中国社会科学院CASS,位列第31名。入选Best New TT的中国新兴智库有3家。在最佳民营智库、最值得关注的智库、以及Top Environment/Education/Defense&National Security智库排行榜单中,中国智库均上榜。2. 报告显示,全球智库的发展呈欣欣向荣之势,但是也并不是一帆风顺的,其未来发展之路是threat和opportunity并存的,特别体现在管理机制、经费支持、人才队伍建设、交流合作等方面。这就要求智库作出创新,包括管理机制改革,促进原有智库积极转型,新兴智库茁壮成长;寻求多元化的经费支持;加强人才队伍建设,采取适当的激励鼓励机制;拓宽智库之间的交流渠道,开展高层次、宽领域、多渠道的交流等等。3. 纵观中国智库发展之路,目前其呈现数量井喷之势,其学术影响力和国际影响力等都不断提高,但是中国未来智库发展之路任重而道远。(1)由index参考出,中国智库全面参与公共决策的体制机制不够健全,智库的independent受到或多或少的羁绊。对此,我认为,政府与智库的关系定位应该是以引导规范为主,保证智库建言的独立性、客观性。(2)上升到国际化层面,中国智库应该强化自身的全球视野,拓展思维空间,建立健全内部建设提升自身水平,推进开放性研究,建设高端智库。政府应当给智库建设提供示范和抓手,同时智库自身要综合中国改革创新与转型发展的国情,全面、科学、客观、准确地定位自身,建设中国特色新型智库推动中国由“智库大国”走向“智库强国”。




recruitment:the act of getting recruits; enlisting people for the army (or for a job or a cause etc.) 补充;征募新兵

typology:classification according to general type 类型学;血型学;象征主义;象征论

quasi: 准的;类似的;外表的

NGO: non-governmental organization

adherence:1.faithful support for a religion or cause or political party 2.the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition


tactics: 1.the branch of military science dealing with detailed maneuvers to achieve objectives set by strategy 2.a plan for attaining a particular goal策略;战术;用兵学

saturation:  1.the process of totally saturating something with a substance 2.the act of soaking thoroughly with a liquid 3.a condition in which a quantity no longer responds to some external influence 4.chromatic purity: freedom from dilution with white and hence vivid in hue 饱和;色饱和度;浸透;

citation:1.an official award (as for bravery or service) usually given as formal public statement 2.(law) the act of citing (as of spoken words or written passages or legal precedents etc.) 3.a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage 引用,引证;[法] 传票;褒扬



North America & Europe:! 

Asia,...Middle East: dependent, business

P13: Think Tank threats&opportunities

innovate or die; strategic innovation and focuses on impact; technological innovation competition;

P19: short-termism;leadership;funding; to survive: timely and accessible(blog,youth,transnational cooperation, affiliation be stronger)

Modifications&Enhancements:nomination, selection criteria

Assessment Tool: resource/utilization/output/impact indicators

Brookings Institution(US)







2015 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report


  • role and character of public policy research prganizations
  • leading think tanks

"Helping to bridge the gap between knowkedge and policy"


  • to assist in improving the capacity and performance of think tanks around the world


  • public-policy research analysis and engagement organizations
  • the academic ----- policymaking communities
  • Categories of think tank affiliations



  • Goal of Report
  • Threats: "four mores"
  • Challenges
  • "four M's"

Think Tank Innovation

  • WWⅡ---1970s & 80s --- Today
  1. fundraising strategies
  2. directing
  3. competition

Contributing Factors Creating a Need to Innovate

  1. +information-rich environment
  2. changing digital times
  3. support research with...
  4. technological innovation
  5. the battle for capital: become fiercer
  6. emerging generational shift

Attributes of Think Tank Innovation

  1. produce research (timely&accessible)
  2. collaborate (frequently & effectively)
  3. look across sectoes for insporation
  4. developing innovative practices:
  • Transformational Leadership
  • Overhead Funding
  • Clear and Stratrgic Mission
  • Collaboration
  • Flexibility with Employees

Looking to the Future of Think Tank Innovation


  • the operational environment
  • technological advances
  • an unstavle political order
  • the information saturation

Overview of Modifications and Enhancements to the Global Go To Think Tanks Index

Recent Years' Modifications

2015 Process and Methodology

Methodology and Tomeline

Timeline of the Nomination and Ranking Process

2015 Global Go To Think Tank Index Nomination and Ranking Criteria

Think Tank Impact Assessment Tool

  • Resource indicators
  • Utilization indicators
  • Output indicators
  • Impact indicators

2015 Think Tank Statistics

  • Asia 1262
  • China and its surrounding countries 18.4%
  • Rank 2 China 435

2015 Ranking Categories

  • China?

2015 Categorical Definitions

2015 Global Go To Ranking Results

  • P66 China
  • 3. China Institutes of Contemporay International Relation (CICIR)
  • 8. China Institute of International Studies (CIIS)
  • 9. Carnegie Center
  • 10. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)



  • validate  v.

1.to confirm or establish the truthfulness or soundness of something
2.to declare or render something legal or binding
3.to register something formally and have its use officially sanctioned
4.to make somebody feel valued as a person, or feel that his or her ideas or opinions are worthwhile
5.to officially state that something is of an appropriate standard
6.to officially prove that something is true or correct
7.to make a document legally valid

  • recruitment  n.

1.the process of finding people to join the military, or a company or organization

  • foster  v.

1.to provide a child with care and upbringing
2.to encourage the development of something
3.to keep a feeling or thought alive

  • philanthropy  n.

1.a desire to improve the material, social, and spiritual welfare of humanity, especially through charitable activities
2.a philanthropic action or organization
3.general love for, or benevolence towards, the whole of humankind
4.the belief that you should help people, especially by giving money to those who need it


  • analogous  adj.

1.similar in some respects, allowing an analogy to be drawn
2.describes body parts and organs that have equivalent functions but that have evolved independently of one another in different plants or animals.
3.similar to another situation, process, etc. so that the same things are true of or relevant to both

  • rigor  n.

1.unrelenting strictness or toughness in dealing with people or things and an unwillingness to make allowances
2.the application of precise and exacting standards in the doing of something
3.an experience of great hardship or difficulty

Personal Views














