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So many times Apple has changed the world, since it was set up. More than 1 billion Apple devices are being used. 

They strongly believe, they have responsibility to protect the customers'data amd personal privicy. They understand,they have opportunity & responsibilty to impact things for the better.“ weare working hard to leave the world better than we found it."



Steffi · 2016-04-14 · 该任务已被删除 0

More than 1 billion Apple device used around the world.Apple strongly believes that they have the responsibility to protect users’ data and privacy and they will not shrink from this. Because so many people use their products, they have opportunity and responsibility to impact things better. "We are working to leave the world better than we found it."


Apple emphasizes innovation. They want to change the world for better. The most difficult is to change climate. The solution is energy efficiency and renewable energy. The time for action is right now. Their ambitious goal is 100% renewable in 100% operations worldwide. Now, they have achieved 93% worldwide and 100% in 23 countries including the United States and China.

Apple emphasizes reuse and recycling. Paper like energy is non-renewable resource. 99% of the packing come from the paper that is recycle or sustainable forest. They can get the Iphone back by the program. Although they have recycle systems, much material they collected can’t be reused. So Liam was created to separate iPhones.

Because of the world limited recourse, they are working great progress in environment efforts and they have a lot to do.


Researchkit makes it easier to gather datas in our hand. Anyone can participate anywhere. It improves medical research in a new way and opens up all kinds of possibilities. It brings research and care together. Also, it helps people lead healthier and happier life. Carekit is a framework to build apps that empower people to take an active role in their care. About sharing the information privacy, you can determine people who can see your health data.


 Apple watch, Apple TV, Iphone SE and Ipad are introduced. Besides, the functions of IOS, Night Shift, Notes, Health, News, Carplay and Education are showed to us.

Apple’s products have become the essential part of users’ life.

苹果公司是一个很有责任感的公司。他他们顾客提供最好的产品,还注重保护顾客的数据和隐私。他们不仅对顾客负责,还对环境负责。他们利用太阳、水和风等再生能源,使用回收的纸张制作其产品的包装,还发明了Liam机器人,把回收的iPhone中每一个零件都拆卸出来并分类放好。他们意识到世界的资源是有限的,即使是作出了如此大的贡献,但他们也不愿意停下脚步,要继续研究升级其技术。他们有强烈的创新意识,他们所走的每一步都领先于别人。他们两年前的目标是实现100%的再生性能源,如今,他们在23个国家中已经实现了这个100%,并且是通过合理的利用空间来实现的,例如,新加坡的建筑楼顶上全放满了太阳能板。他们研发了有关于人类健康的APP:Researchkit和Carekit, 不仅使用户更加了解自己的健康状况,还为医学研究提供了数据。他们的产品设计都是非常全面的,都有考虑到使用的群体,无论男女老少都有适用的APP,还有产品的外观都能满足大部分人的需求,就像Apple watch的表带都可以更换的,产品的功能之多就不用具体说了。苹果改变了人们的生活,就像使用Ipad可以代替纸张。苹果公司的产品已经成为多数人生活中不可或缺的一部分了。


DrawingK · 2016-04-12 · 该任务已被删除 0

1. Apple famous for: 

insanely great products; change the way people do/think things; high quality; satisfying user experience; more and more kinder price

2. What Apple think about:

think differently: unique products with complex tech but simple way using; 

environmetally friendly & innovation: rennewable recycling; promoting users' experience in personal health care,color,sense of touch... non-stop innovation

integrate value chain: Apple Store+ user experience; simplify and promoting digital living; 




Change the world: 1 b device,life importtant, significant responsibility

Build for u: extend ourselves,US power on our daily life, Apple responsibility to help u ptotect ur data&privacy, custumer&country

World better:1. Environment: innovation,renewable energy,goal 100% renewable 93% 23 countries; electricity package reuse 2.Health: Researchkit,understand child development, research&care healthier happier,Carekit

Product: 1.Watch custumer satisfaction,update 2.TV 5thous apps,pick 3.Phone 30m,first experience,speed 3.IOS 9, carplay education 4.Pad laptop&papernotebook, weight carrying size, windows, prodisplay reflectivity color proaudio proaccesories

change the way u do thing, anywhere with u, easier u, pushing forward innovating

CindyO欧颖洁 · 2016-04-14 · 该任务已被删除 0

Apple Special Event

What has Apple already achieved?

- amazing products (more than 1 billion devices in use)

- impact on people (an important part in daily life)

→ significant oppotunity and responsibility

   - protect users' data and privacy

   - impact things for the better

"We are working to leave the world better than we found it."



"just like everything we do at Apple: when we think about it, we think about INNOVATION."

the greatest challenge in the world: changing climate

time to action is NOW

- solutions: energy efficiency and renewable energy

- ambitious goal: become 100% renewable in 100% operations worldwide

- achievement: 93% worldwide, 100% renewable in 23 countries around the world

innovative solutions:

- Sichuan: bild solar farm without disturbing oxs

- Singapore: solar raise in roof top

- clean resources: sun/ wind/ water

"Every time you send a iMessage or make a FaceTime video call, or ask Siri a question, you feel reduce your impact on environment."

- protect forest by producing the paper we use (99% paper of package is from recycled paper)

"the world is limited with resource, and something can be replaced"

* Liam: to seperate iPhones



- ResearchKit

improve medical research in a completely new way

   - Studies become no more geografic boundary

   - help pave the way for medicine in the future

- CareKit

bring research and care together

   - people use Apps to learn themselves

   - empower people to take an active role in their life

→ create a better life

* Privacy

The users choose which App to use and with whom you share the information



* customer satisfaction

* breakthrough




* 责任意识

   - 对用户的责任感


   - 对社会的责任感



* 创新意识


   - 在环保进程中,他们的原则是因地制宜与创新,力争在各个地方找出当地适合的模式进行发展,如新加坡土地珍贵就将太阳能板搬上屋顶。

   - 在健康App的开发中,他们首创将个人健康与医学研究相结合,一边注重提高用户的健康意识,一边为医学研究提供前所未有丰富精准的数据支持,实现双赢的局面。


* 敢想敢做

视频里提到了两个词让我印象深刻:ambitious & determined

- Ambitious

   当两年前他们提出实现100% Renewable时,受到了来自各方的质疑,觉得他们简直是在痴人说梦。可是如今,他们真的做到了。倘若连想都不敢想,何来的发展与进步。苹果公司正是因为雄心勃勃,靠着不停“做梦”,才能不停向前。

- Determined



* 轻松的工作环境


- Hey Siri, how do you feel about recycling?

- I love the Apple Renew Programm, but Liam really tears me apart.







一只野生的Tardis · 2016-04-12 · 该任务已被删除 2

Apple has changed the world and keep changing the world.


1.To customer & to government. take responsibility.


(1)Innovation. Energy efficiency.100% renewable energy in china,singapore,etc.

(2)Forestry. Recycle resources, reuse&recyle. use high quality product into new product.

3.Health. researchkit/carekit

4.Applewatch/AppleTV. band/tv is an app.

5.iPhone SE. iOS. Night Shift. Privacy.

6.iPad pro. 600 million PC are replaceable.








4. 持续的创新,不断地点子,更加贴合,更加离不开。

Aprilchzw · 2016-04-13 · 该任务已被删除 0



苹果对环境的保护,发布会中通过renewable,即reuse 和recycle ,将苹果置于一个Responsible company的地位,这种社会导向是新一代的营销方式,让苹果产品成为一种环保的产品,是一种重视环保的体现,往往会让人对苹果品牌有一个很好的认识。


接下来分别介绍了iphone SE,apple watch,apple TV,ipad pro 等等新产品,可以很明显地看出来,苹果针对用户需求来进行marketing ,已经不完全是乔布斯时代的不经市场,全靠完美主义的innovation,创新和营销的两个重要的点在苹果中很好地体现了出来,SE针对用户需求4-inch手机,apple watch提供了不同颜色的表带,apple TV 、ipad pro 则更多地体会了苹果仍然领跑世界的innovation。 




Binchen · 2016-04-11 · 该任务已被删除 0

p7.retention 保留

prevalent 有名

p8.tangentially 正切;离题的

p11.console 操纵台

demographic 人口统计学的

p13.fraudulent 欺骗性的

p16.graphene 石墨烯



graphene  石墨烯

lucrative 获利的

erosion   减少、流失

gigabit   千兆比特

Dial-up   拨号上网

wired     有线的

standalone  独立的、独立的电脑

banish    驱逐、消除

attic     阁楼

candy bar 糖果棒

monochrome 黑白的、单色的

predominantly  主要地、压倒性地

mainstream  主流

staple     主要的、重要的、主要产物

video-on-demand 视频点播

tablet     平板电脑

emerge     浮现、显示出来

complement  相辅相成

usurp       霸占、篡位

momentum    势头、动力

approache   特点

accelerating  加速的

classification  分类、类别

parity      相等、势均力敌

tertiary    第三的

steer       操纵、驾驶、引导

algorithm   算法

bias        偏见、偏爱

boulder     大圆石

mandible    上颚

silicon valley 硅谷

Hispanics   拉美裔人

attrition   人员损耗、摩擦

shrink      退缩、畏惧

lengthy     冗长的












1. graphene:石墨烯

2. kilobits:千比特 see Kbps



millennia 几千年

niche 有利可图的市场


在Frankfurter Rundschau上看到一篇关于APPLE VS FBI的文章,而文中提到了一个问题:当初,苹果进入中国市场的前提,就是授予政府访问iphone信息的权力。(Zumindest sind Zweifel an der Glaubwürdigkeit angebracht. Denn sicher ist, dass Apple zumindest der chinesischen Regierung Zugriff auf Daten von iPhones gewährt. Das war seinerzeit eine Bedingung dafür, dass der Konzern genehmigt bekam, sein wichtigstes Produkt in der Volksrepublik, dem größten Smartphone-Markt der Welt, vermarkten zu dürfen.)



dial-up 拨号

kilobitskilobits 千比特

mainstream 主流

cognitive 认知的

stall 货摊

ethnicity 种族地位

 tangentially 无关的

 spotlight  聚光灯

depict 描绘

tenurerelated 相关任期

millennials 千禧年一代

demographic 人口统计

fraudulent  欺骗

cart 运货马车

mischievous 淘气的

tortuous 曲折的

Prior 优先的

appetite 胃口

impermeable 不可渗透的

M&A 企业并购

embedding 嵌入

pixelated 像素化的

 longevity 长寿的

serendipitous 偶然的

demographics 人口特征

 albeit 虽然

generate 形成

 lucrative 获利多

 conglomerate 联合大企业

eSports 电子竞技

ubiquitous 无处不在的

ISP 互联网服务商

IM 即时通讯

Ibid 出处同上

HBO Home Box Office


1.millennials 千禧一代

1)What is Millennials (Millennial generation)? - Definition from WhatIs.com http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/millennials-millennial-generation

2)Trailing MIllennials Reluctant To Spend Freely



2.bulge with 装满

3.attic 阁楼

4.lp a long-playing phonograph record; designed to be played at 33.3 rpm

5.monochrome ['mɑnəkrom]  n. 单色;单色画adj. 单色的;黑白的

6.usurp  [ju'zɝp] v篡夺;夺取;侵占

7.trade-in 折价物;折合价
1)an item of property that is given in part payment for a new one 
2)turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase
8.parity 平等
9.That has not been the case 然而到目前为止并非如此

10.precede 发生在...之前;先于

11.tertiary['tɝʃɪ'ɛri] 高等教育

12.gender-neutral adj. 性别中立的;不分性别的

13.ethnicity 种族特点;种族渊源

14.gating factor 关卡因素;控制因素

15.tipping point 转折点

16.bottom line  概要;最重要的因素;盈亏底线

17.bellwether /ˈbɛlˌwɛðə/If you describe something as a bellwether, you mean that it is an indication of the way a situation is changing. 征兆; 风向标

18.initiatives  n. 积极性;主动权(initiative的复数);举措,方案
Initiatives are under way to depict more positive female IT role models in the media.


trailing millennial 后千禧年的

Graphene 石墨烯

niche 专营市场的



bulge with由于...而凸出



usurp 篡夺,侵占












gaming consoles游戏机


cohort effect同辈、年代、群体效应










indium tin oxide 铟锡氧化物

prototyping phase原型设计,试点

vendor 卖家,小贩,自动售货机






surveillance reform

prededent 先例

set/create a precedent for 为...开先例


vulnerability 计算机安全隐患

encryption  加密

unbreakable 牢不可破的

unhackble 不可侵入/破解的

Steffi · 2016-03-30 · 该任务已被删除 0

1.YouTube 2005年情人节注册,2006年卖给了Google

2.YouTube怎么赚钱(build it into a business)?

  video, provide choice for the viewers, advertising...

  charge consumers for watching certain video

3.VOD:Video on Demand 视频点播  



1. near-term 近期的

2. 网络攻击:easier, a new generation of threats

3. cybersecurity近似digital security

4. 美gov联手领军大企业加强网络安全(谷歌,微软,万事达卡等)


1. AI:Artificial Intelligence 人工智能

  4个级别:1级(如空调,洗衣机),→4越            来越高级

2. 关于AI的理性看待:

  • 可能面对的挑战和危机(网络安全,隐私等)
  • 应用于多个领域(工业,金融,医学,军事,农业等)

3. 2020E?

4. IoT:Internet of Things 物联网

5. FinTech:Financial technology 金融科技(金融科技的概念其實並不複雜,只要是金融業的服務流程,透過網路和軟體的功能而驅動新的服務內容和方式,就是金融科技。|这种新技术重塑了从支付到借贷再到投资建议等金融服务的每一个角落,甚至重塑了金钱本身)










