Apple Special Event
What has Apple already achieved?
- amazing products (more than 1 billion devices in use)
- impact on people (an important part in daily life)
→ significant oppotunity and responsibility
- protect users' data and privacy
- impact things for the better
"We are working to leave the world better than we found it."
"just like everything we do at Apple: when we think about it, we think about INNOVATION."
the greatest challenge in the world: changing climate
time to action is NOW
- solutions: energy efficiency and renewable energy
- ambitious goal: become 100% renewable in 100% operations worldwide
- achievement: 93% worldwide, 100% renewable in 23 countries around the world
innovative solutions:
- Sichuan: bild solar farm without disturbing oxs
- Singapore: solar raise in roof top
- clean resources: sun/ wind/ water
"Every time you send a iMessage or make a FaceTime video call, or ask Siri a question, you feel reduce your impact on environment."
- protect forest by producing the paper we use (99% paper of package is from recycled paper)
"the world is limited with resource, and something can be replaced"
* Liam: to seperate iPhones
- ResearchKit
improve medical research in a completely new way
- Studies become no more geografic boundary
- help pave the way for medicine in the future
- CareKit
bring research and care together
- people use Apps to learn themselves
- empower people to take an active role in their life
→ create a better life
* Privacy
The users choose which App to use and with whom you share the information
* customer satisfaction
* breakthrough
* 责任意识
- 对用户的责任感
- 对社会的责任感
* 创新意识
- 在环保进程中,他们的原则是因地制宜与创新,力争在各个地方找出当地适合的模式进行发展,如新加坡土地珍贵就将太阳能板搬上屋顶。
- 在健康App的开发中,他们首创将个人健康与医学研究相结合,一边注重提高用户的健康意识,一边为医学研究提供前所未有丰富精准的数据支持,实现双赢的局面。
* 敢想敢做
视频里提到了两个词让我印象深刻:ambitious & determined
- Ambitious
当两年前他们提出实现100% Renewable时,受到了来自各方的质疑,觉得他们简直是在痴人说梦。可是如今,他们真的做到了。倘若连想都不敢想,何来的发展与进步。苹果公司正是因为雄心勃勃,靠着不停“做梦”,才能不停向前。
- Determined
* 轻松的工作环境
- Hey Siri, how do you feel about recycling?
- I love the Apple Renew Programm, but Liam really tears me apart.